A Russian radio station is being sued for disrespecting the memory of Josef Stalin. “What kind of bastard would be brave enough to say one word in his defense?” the host asked. Let’s start with Russia’s Prime Minister.
Archive | Politics
Today We're Half-Way to LPFM
It’s a day that thousands of low-power FM and community radio activists have been awaiting for just about nine years. This evening, at 7:06 pm the House of Representatives, with a minimum of drama, passed H.R. 1147, the Local Community Radio Act of 2009 by voice vote. Little drama for the House nevertheless meant nearly […]
The wait for LPFM continues one more day…
The Local Community Radio Act of 2009 was scheduled for a floor vote in the House of Representatives today, a moment that LPFM activists have been awaiting for almost nine years. And wait they did. Anyone who has watched her share of C-SPAN knows that the House moves at its own pace, for its own […]
FCC's Mark Lloyd: "allow me to clear away some mud"
The Federal Communications Commission’s Diversity Officer defended himself this morning from the veritable avalanche of attacks he has sustained since he took his job. Speaking at a Washington, D.C. conference, Mark Lloyd asked to be allowed to “clear away some mud:” “I am not a Czar appointed by President Obama. I am not at the […]
Early termination fees – an issue for mobile radio?
Four United States Senators are on the warpath over the Early Termination Fees that wireless services charge if you duck out before the completion of the contract. Their Cell Phone Early Termination Fee, Transparency and Fairness Act would bar carriers from charging ETFs that exceed the price break on the phone you get for accepting […]
Congress will hold hearing on Arbitron Portable People meter
Arbitron’s controversial Portable People Meter is still in hot water with the government. The device, which measures user listening habits sans a written diary, is scheduled to be the subject of a hearing by the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform on Wednesday, December 2.
Palin bows out as Alaska Gov. Is the next step talk radio?
Ever since John McCain made his disastrous decision to pick Sarah Palin as his running made in ’08, I’ve been saying that the winner of that election was her. It was only a matter of time, I told my circle of friends, before she ducked out of her gig as Alaska’s governor and cashed in […]
Genachowski confirmed by Senate to run FCC. What is his agenda for radio?
Julius Genachowski is confirmed by the full senate as Chair of the Federal Communications Commission. What is his agenda for radio?