The decade's most important radio trends: #13 College radio tightens its playlist
Although college radio as a rule is much more diverse than commercial and public radio stations, there’s been a trend in the past decade for many stations to create a more focused identity surrounding a specific style of music. In some cases this is done with the help of professional consultants and paid staff members; […]
The decade's most important radio trends: #14 Pacifica radio democratizes itself
#14 in our series on crucial radio trends of the decade.
The Decade’s Most Important Radio Trends
Myself, I can hardly believe that another decade is coming to a close. It seems like just yesterday we were stockpiling canned goods, bottled water and batteries in anticipation of the Y2K global computer meltdown. Of course, on every millennial survivalists’ compound shopping list was a good battery-operated radio. Now, ten years on, radio has […]
Could the wireless spectrum crisis resolve the Sirius XM/WCS radio band interference crisis?
The endless battle between Sirius XM and the WCS Coalition over band interference may see a little more public attention that that the Chair of the FCC says there’s a “looming spectrum crisis” for wireless.
Fairness Doctrine for Stalin on Russian radio?
A Russian radio station is being sued for disrespecting the memory of Josef Stalin. “What kind of bastard would be brave enough to say one word in his defense?” the host asked. Let’s start with Russia’s Prime Minister.
Reply Comment Smackdown Over the Channel 6 Backdoor to FM
A couple of weeks ago I reported on Chicago Public Radio taking a glancing swipe against LPTV channel 6 stations that are effectively functioning like radio stations, taking advantage of their audio channel’s proximity to 87.7 FM. Now the owner of the Chicago smooth-jazz LPTV “radio” station WLFM-LP is striking back at CPR in both […]
Radio Obsessive Profile #4: Seattle Radio Theatre Founder Feliks Banel
Radio passion takes a variety of forms. Some people love the artifacts and become avid collectors of vintage equipment, promotional materials, and publications. Some are scholars, meticulously curating radio’s history. And others seek out present-day radio gems in order to remind people that radio is still relevant. Seattle Radio Theatre founder Feliks Banel’s enthusiasm for […]
NPR talks up mobile standards and localism with FCC
NPR met with the Federal Communications Commission on Tuesday to chat about subjects dear to the hearts of developers and policy wonks alike: local programming and mobile radio standards.
Today We're Half-Way to LPFM
It’s a day that thousands of low-power FM and community radio activists have been awaiting for just about nine years. This evening, at 7:06 pm the House of Representatives, with a minimum of drama, passed H.R. 1147, the Local Community Radio Act of 2009 by voice vote. Little drama for the House nevertheless meant nearly […]
NPR to FCC: We're "relatively secure"
NPR tells the FCC that its “revenue model, while not immune to the economic and technological challenges of the day, is diversified and relatively secure.” Glad to hear it.