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Tag Archives | 1920s

WRUC Alternative Power 89.7 FM sticker at college radio station WRUC. Photo: J. Waits

Radio Station Visit #168: Union College Radio Station WRUC

To say that my visit to college radio station WRUC 89.7 FM at Union College in Schenectady, New York was eagerly anticipated is an understatement. Rumored to be the “first” commercial college radio station, its predecessor stations have a fascinating history, making Union College an important stop for every college radio historian. Lucky for me, […]

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College Radio's Hidden History

College Radio's Hidden History Widgets In light of the 70th anniversary of the Intercollegiate Broadcasting System’s (IBS) annual conference last weekend, it’s a good time to reflect on the college radio pioneers who rarely get mentioned in radio history discussions. My fascination with the early days of college radio began when I started diving into the history of […]

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