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Tag Archives | BBC

Rough notes 2022.02.16

Rough Notes: BBC Profiles 4 Community Stations Around the World; Inter-American Court Sides with Indigenous Station; Mazda Owners Stuck on KUOW

This past Sunday, February 13, was World Radio Day. I’m a few days late in recognizing it, but still have something good to share. Like last year, the BBC tapped radio journalist David Goren to produce a documentary highlighting community radio around the globe. “World Wide Waves ’22” profiles four stations: Koori Radio is the […]

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Around the Web May 20 - Prison Radio Exhibit

KGNU, KMUD Celebrate Big Anniversaries; BBC Head Says Streaming Could Kill Radio; Prison Radio Exhibit | Around the Web May 13 – 20, 2018

Every week we share dozens of interesting radio and community media stories from all over the web on Twitter. Because we don’t want you to miss them, here’s some of the best, for the week ending May 13, 2018: "The co-founder and owner of the only African American radio station in east central Illinois announced […]

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BBC Broadcast House - Flickr

The Ghost of Broadcasting House

The BBC is entangled in a scandal which has strained relationships between its management and broadcasters, almost to breaking point, and devalued the public’s trust in the BBC. It is a case study in how inappropriate behaviour can become entrenched and out of control-and how hard it is for a large organisation to deal with […]

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Radio Survivor Podcast #19: Chauncey DeVega on Pro Wrestling & Podcasting; Centenary College Sells WNTI

On his podcast, essayist Chauncey DeVega says that it features him “with the volume turned up.” He discusses how the quality of intellectual discourse differs between television, radio and podcasting, and how that relates to pro wrestling, and shares how he wrangles the internet trolls who show up whenever something he writes goes viral. We […]

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Digital Watch feature image

Digital Watch: Net Neutrality Ready for Vote, Slate Debuts Podcast Network, BBC Upsets Internet Listeners

The most significant digital radio news this week is the FCC’s vote on Open Internet rules happening at Thursday’s open meeting. The proceedings begin at 10:30 AM EST, and will be streamed live. I posted an overview on Tuesday, and things haven’t changed much since then. The House Communications and Technology Subcommittee held a hearing […]

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