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Podcasting News and Shows for your Turkey Day Travels

It certainly seems like for the rest of the year I’ll be mentioning at least one or two press articles covering podcasting’s newfound popularity. However, I’ll focus on pieces that are notable, cover new ground, or suggest a novel angle. First, the New York Times’ inimitable media reporter and critic David Carr finally submits his […]

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What the Comcast - Level 3 conflict means for radio

What the Comcast – Level 3 conflict means for radio

In a textbook example of the abusive power of a near-monopoly, the ‘net was set ablaze yesterday upon the news that major internet backbone provider and content distribution network (CDN) company Level 3 called out cable-modem internet service provide Comcast for demanding additional fees for delivering video and other content to Comcast customers. Comcast’s demands […]

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