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Tag Archives | College Radio


Radio Station Visit #129 – WTJU at University of Virginia

WTJU was the impetus for my trip to Virginia last month, as the University of Virginia-based radio station invited me to speak at its College Radio: Then, Now and Next symposium on St. Patrick’s Day. I’d long known about the station and it was actually my 17th (and final) stop on my Spinning Indie 50 […]

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IBS college radio awards on display at Virginia Commonwealth University. Photo: J. Waits

College Radio Watch: Arkansas Stations Form College Radio Organization, IBS Awards Announced, and More News

I had a wonderful time in Virginia last week and was able to see eight college radio stations. The reason for my trip, however, was a speaking engagement at the WTJU-hosted “College Radio: Then, Now, and Next” symposium at University of Virginia last Friday. I gave an overview of the history of college radio and […]

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Promotions Director Laura Bryant drawing WVCW on the chalkboard at the college radio station. Photo: J. Waits

Radio Station Visit #123 – College Radio Station WVCW at Virginia Commonwealth University

I always relish the opportunity to visit more radio stations, so when I made plans to speak at WTJU’s college radio symposium in Virginia, I built in some time to tour a bunch of nearby stations. Soon after my flight landed in Richmond, Virginia on the night of Wednesday, March 15, I made my way […]

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Podcast 84 - Three Radios

How To Improve Your LPFM, Community & College Radio Reception

One of our Patreon supporters dropped us a line to ask if we’d take up the question of how to improve reception of low-powered stations. It’s a challenge most radio lovers have faced, not quite being able to tune in your favorite college or community station, especially inside a house or office, even when that […]

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Podcast 84 - Three Radios

Podcast #84 – Improving Your Radio Reception

LPFM, college and community stations are great, but because of low power many of them are also hard to hear, especially inside your house or office. Based on an inquiry from one of our Patreon supporters, we dedicate this episode to helping you improve your reception. Broadcaster and radio reviewer extraordinaire Jay Allen, the man […]

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