This year the National Federation for Community Broadcasters is holding regional summits instead of one big national conference. The registration price is lower, and travel should be easier and less expensive for most people. Therefore they’re great opportunities for community broadcasters, especially new LPFM stations, to meet likeminded radio-makers and take advantage of what the […]
Tag Archives | Community Radio
Why so few community radio stations in India?
Here is an interesting piece from the Down to Earth news site about the state of community radio in India. DTE is a fortnightly magazine on science and the environment. Author Anupam Chakravartty notes with disappointment that India, a huge radio loving country (especially during elections), has only 173 community radio stations, all told. In […]
LPFM Watch: REC Proposes LPFM Power Increase to 250 watts + 9 More LPFM construction permits
This week we only saw nine more grants for new low power FM (LPFM) construction permits, but it doesn’t mean that it was all quiet on the LPFM front. REC Networks has filed a Petition for Rule Making with the FCC with the intention of helping “LPFM stations enhance their signal within their current three […]
Dozens of UK community radio stations apply for digital experiment
The news from Norway is that the country plans to dump FM and go all digital by 2017. The United Kingdom isn’t quite ready to do the same, but over fifty radio outlets have responded to the UK’s invitation to apply for a digital experiment for smaller broadcasters. Ofcom, Britain’s broadcast regulator, has announced trials to […]
LPFM Watch: FCC Enforces More Involuntary Time-Shares
The FCC issued another nineteen construction permits for new low-power FM radio stations in the last week, brining the grand total to 1821. Ten of these went to organizations in four cities that will have to abide involuntary time-shares. In each city there was an MX group of two or more applicants competing for a […]
Touring Future LPFM Radio Station ARTxFM in Louisville
One of my most eagerly anticipated radio station tours this year was to see ARTxFM in Louisville, Kentucky. I’ve been friends with its founder, Sharon Scott, for several years and have been closely monitoring the station’s progress as a streaming radio station (it launched in 2012). In October 2014, ARTxFM was granted a construction permit […]
LPFM Watch: 11 More LPFMs and New Call Signs Reflect Community of Chinese Language LPFMs
This week, 11 more groups were granted construction permits for new low power FM (LPFM) radio stations, bringing the grand total to 1,804 new LPFMs from the fall 2013 application window. Also, the FCC released a list of recent call sign actions, including the call signs for some of the new LPFM stations. One of […]
LPFM Watch: Snuggle Buddy, UTD Dallas, and a Tribal Nation to Launch New Radio Stations + More News
This week was a little bit busier for low power FM (LPFM) hopefuls. Twenty one groups were granted permits this week and 17 applications were dismissed, bringing the grand total of granted applications to 1,785 from the fall 2013 application window. (more…)
LPFM News: FL Pirate Denied LPFM; Upcoming Events
It was a slow week in LPFM approvals, with just five construction permits issued. There’s one time-sharing arrangement in the bunch, with two Catholic-associated organizations broadcasting on 106.5 FM in Raleigh, NC. The Corporation for Educational Advancement will be on from 2 PM to 2 AM seven days a week, while the Columbus Club of […]
LPFM Watch: 22 More Groups Granted Construction Permits for New Radio Stations
This week, 22 more groups were granted construction permits for new low power FM (LPFM) radio stations. This brings the grand total of granted construction permits from the fall 2013 application window to 1,759. Among the new grantees this week, 12 of the organizations are churches or religious groups and 10 are other non-profits. In […]