In the world of community radio, there is probably no term more contentious than “professionalism.” Say the word and watch the conversation flare up. Why is the p-word so threatening? Probably because at places like community/college/LPFM radio stations, most community media people are volunteers. So when words like “professionalism” surface, folks imagine themselves being replaced […]
Tag Archives | Community Radio

Radio Guide to SXSW 2011
As I’m watching various friends’ Facebook updates and check-ins from Austin, I’m getting a serious case of SXSW-envy. Although I can’t be there at the famed music/interactive/film festival this year, there are tons of radio-related events that I wish I could be a fly on the wall at (especially the How to Save College Radio […]

Chicago user-generated station Vocalo to re-launch with more convential format
Vocalo is a rimshot station owned by Chicago Public Media‘ based in Chesterton, Indiana that went on the air in 2007 as an experiment in bringing user-generated content to broadcast radio. When it launched CPM president Torey Malatia hailed the idea with a lot of rhetoric about making radically public radio, emphasizing public affairs and […]

Pirate Cat Radio Founder Speaks about Station’s Future
On Thursday, I posted an article, Questions Raised at Pirate Cat Radio and KPDO after Leader Leaves the Country, reporting on recent events at two local community radio stations in the San Francisco Bay area: Pirate Cat Radio in San Francisco and KPDO in Pescadero. After the article ran, I heard from Daniel Roberts, the […]

Questions Raised at Pirate Cat Radio and KPDO after Leader Leaves the Country
Last year there was a lot of buzz about San Francisco’s formerly pirate radio station Pirate Cat Radio going somewhat legit, with its founder and owner, Daniel “Monkey Man” Roberts, taking over the management and re-launch of nearby FCC licensed community radio station KPDO in the coastal community of Pescadero. In the months following that […]

Prometheus Radio’s Brandy Doyle on the road ahead for LPFM
The Local Community Radio Act has been law now for a little more than three weeks, and since then the hardy radio activists at the Prometheus Radio Project have been hard at work mapping the road ahead. We here at Radio Survivor have many questions about what’s next for low-power radio, and we’ve also fielded […]

Great Northeast Radio Rally in Portland this Sunday
This Sunday folks in Portland, Maine will be able to participate in the Great Northeast Radio Rally. This free event (PDF) is being sponsored by Blunt Youth Radio and the Maine Arts Commission and will be held at the University of Southern Maine and at the Space Gallery in Portland. “Audio producers” of all ages […]

Haiti Quake Report Cites Radio as the “Undisputed Lifeline for the Haitian Public”
Yesterday marked the one year anniversary of the devastating 7.0 magnitude earthquake in Haiti, which killed over 200,000 people and left a million homeless. At the time of the quake it became clear that radio was a vital resource for Haitian citizens, as it was often the communication tool used to find survivors and to […]
Is a public radio station a community center?
A producer at Pacifica radio outlet KPFA in Berkeley sent me this amusing Xtranormal skit, which works out his feelings about a proposal to hold a big “community party” at the station. I’m not sure what the status of that idea is, and obviously the discussion is referential to the recent troubles at the station. […]
Radio as Survival Tool in Sudan
Although many of us are fixated on radio crises in the United States, from stations getting shut down to favored radio hosts being fired, to college radio stations getting sold off; it’s rare that we talk about the important role that radio can play in keeping citizens informed and engaged. As I wrote in my […]