Happy World Radio Day! Today marks another annual celebration of radio around the world. Organized by UNESCO, this year’s event is focused on radio’s role in gender equality. Radio organizations are marking World Radio Day in numerous ways, with some airing special programming and others holding celebrations. You can listen to a range of World […]
Tag Archives | featured
Galaxy Cats, Big Cars, and Rusting Sprockets: arts groups winning LPFM permits
The Federal Communications Commission continues to fast and furiously authorize construction permits for Low Power FM radio stations. Paul, Jennifer, and I could probably write an LPFM story every thirty minutes or so about new #lpfm developments. Arts groups with interesting names seem to be doing well in this process. Here are just some of […]
Welcome to Night Vale: the 8tracks playlists
I assume that I am not the only Radio Survivorist who follows the podcast Welcome to Night Vale. The show is so beloved that 8tracks.com playlists of all kinds have proliferated in honor of the series. A short guide to them follows. But first, a description of the program for the uninitiated. Welcome to Night […]
College Radio Survivor: WZRD Fined for Public File Violation
This week the FCC issued a Notice of Apparent Liability (PDF) for Forfeiture to Northeastern Illinois University for $1000 for a public file violation. According to the notice, college radio station WZRD’s public file was missing 12 issues/programs lists from 2007-2010. In the course of renewing its license, WZRD admitted to the missing lists, stating […]
NPR experiments with viral audio
On the heels of radio journalist Stan Alcorn’s inquiry into why web audio does or does not go viral, the Nieman Journalism Lab lets us in on a little experiment that NPR has been running to see if public radio stations can create viral audio segments. Though the report says there’s too little data to […]
Free Speech Radio News returns on Feb. 11 with daily online updates
A little more than four months after ending production, the independent and non-profit daily Free Speech Radio News program is launching the first phase of its reboot with a new website and fresh updates on February 11. Administrative Coordinator Nell Abram said that the new site will feature daily updates, including audio segments ranging from […]
Podcast Survivor: This week’s podcasting news
In this week’s podcasting news: PRX launches podcast network focused on sustaining the medium Podcasts continue to dominate Stitcher Awards Podcasting veteran Rob Greenlee joins PodcastOne Patent troll demands “Save Podcasting” campaign donor info. PRX Launches Podcast Network I’ve been writing quite a bit about how podcasting and independent radio can become sustainable. This week […]
Veteran shock jock Tom Leykis bets on internet radio for a third year
I’m always interested in learning more about broadcast programs and personalities that made the transition to being online-only. So when a representative for veteran talk show host Tom Leykis contacted me about an interview my curiosity was piqued. I wanted to learn how a highly rated and well compensated host who broadcasted in the nation’s […]
Remembering Philip Seymour Hoffman in “Pirate Radio”
Like many folks, I’m still shocked and saddened about the death of actor Philip Seymour Hoffman yesterday. He left us too soon. Writers across the web have been paying tribute by taking a look at some of his most iconic film roles. But as a long-time observer of the clandestine art of unlicensed radio, I […]
College Radio Survivor: Student Radio in Slovenia, Awards, and More LPFMs
This week’s College Radio Survivor will cover some recent college radio news and new college radio LPFM application grants, but first I wanted to share a link to an incredible documentary about a long-time college radio station in Slovenia. Non-commercial, independent radio station Radio Student was founded in 1969 by the Association of Students of […]