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FCC Issues $10,000 Forfeiture Order to Pirate Cat Radio Founder

On Friday, the FCC posted a notice that a forfeiture order (PDF) for $10,000 was issued to Pirate Cat Radio founder Daniel “Monkey Man” Roberts for “willfully and repeatedly violating section 301 of the Communications Act of 1934…by operating an unlicensed radio broadcast station” in San Francisco. The letter is a follow-up to an earlier […]

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Questions Raised at Pirate Cat Radio and KPDO after Leader Leaves the Country

Questions Raised at Pirate Cat Radio and KPDO after Leader Leaves the Country

Last year there was a lot of buzz about San Francisco’s formerly pirate radio station Pirate Cat Radio going somewhat legit, with its founder and owner, Daniel “Monkey Man” Roberts, taking over the management and re-launch of nearby FCC licensed community radio station KPDO in the coastal community of Pescadero. In the months following that […]

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