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Tag Archives | LPFM

FCC Report and Order on the Economic Impact of LPFM

One step closer to more low-power community radio; FCC says LPFM no threat to commercial stations

Last week the FCC released its report on the economic impact of low-power FM stations on commercial radio. The report was mandated by passage of the Local Community Radio Act of 2010 (LCRA), and its primary conclusion should surprise nobody with any knowledge of LPFM: “LPFM stations are unlikely to have more than a negligible […]

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Rep. Mike Doyle

Congresspeople urge FCC to save space for LPFM in urban markets

Yesterday 28 members of the House of Representatives, led by Rep. Mike Doyle (D-PA), sent a letter to FCC Chairman Julius Genachowski [PDF] urging the Commission to ensure there is space reserved in urban areas for new low-power FM station licenses. They observe that the nation’s largest urban markets “have lacked access to new noncommercial […]

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Kettle Falls, Washington

Kettle Falls Radio to FCC: we want our LPFM back

The city of Kettle Falls, Washington describes itself as 1610 Friendly People and One Grouch. All of them had an Low Power FM Radio Station, it seems. “But was stolen after 2 years of operation,” writes Richard Walter, President of the Kettle Falls Radio Group, to the Federal Communications Commission. “Upon investigation it was found […]

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