Last week the FCC released its report on the economic impact of low-power FM stations on commercial radio. The report was mandated by passage of the Local Community Radio Act of 2010 (LCRA), and its primary conclusion should surprise nobody with any knowledge of LPFM: “LPFM stations are unlikely to have more than a negligible […]
Tag Archives | LPFM
Congresspeople urge FCC to save space for LPFM in urban markets
Yesterday 28 members of the House of Representatives, led by Rep. Mike Doyle (D-PA), sent a letter to FCC Chairman Julius Genachowski [PDF] urging the Commission to ensure there is space reserved in urban areas for new low-power FM station licenses. They observe that the nation’s largest urban markets “have lacked access to new noncommercial […]
Deadline extension gives five more days to comment to the FCC on LPFM
Thanks to the quick work of LPFM advocate Michi Eyre at REC Networks, the FCC granted a one week extension on the comment window for the Third Further Notice of Proposed Rulemaking on low-power FM. In asking for the extension REC told the FCC that Hurricane Irene would interfere with commenters’ ability to submit on […]
Kettle Falls Radio to FCC: we want our LPFM back
The city of Kettle Falls, Washington describes itself as 1610 Friendly People and One Grouch. All of them had an Low Power FM Radio Station, it seems. “But was stolen after 2 years of operation,” writes Richard Walter, President of the Kettle Falls Radio Group, to the Federal Communications Commission. “Upon investigation it was found […]
FCC proposes action for more LPFM community radio stations
As expected, at today’s open FCC meeting the Commission released a Third Further Notice of Proposed Rule Making which lays out a plan of action to both clear out the queue of pending translator station applications and to begin taking new applications for low-power FM community radio stations. An application window for new LPFM stations […]
FCC taking up LPFM and translator stations at July 12 open meeting
Ever since the passage of the Local Community Radio Act, the big question has been how the FCC will deal with its backlog of applications for translator repeater stations. Translators are low-power stations that may only rebroadcast the signal of an existing full-power station, and can be fit in many of the spaces on the […]
Prometheus Radio Spreads the Word about LPFM with Radio Summer
This summer there will be plenty of opportunities to not only learn about how to build your own radio station (see Paul’s post about Free Radio Berkeley’s “Build Your Own Radio Station” summer camp), but there will also be events focused on spreading the word about low power FM (LPFM) and upcoming opportunities for those […]
Report: Pescadero LPFM KPDO does not own Pirate Cat Radio
In the aftermath of the departure of Pirate Cat Radio founder Daniel “Monkey Man” Roberts from the scene, the Pescadero low-power community radio station he was managing is carrying on, trying to clear the haze of confusion he left behind. The San Mateo County Times followed up with KPDO, including its founder Maggie Celeste Worden, […]
Old News — Lawmaker wants Oklahoma to be a haven for unlicensed radio
My apologies to Radio Survivor readers for my massive oversight on this story. Apparently I’m unable to either know what year it is now, or read the dates on the sources I’m using. The bill I cited in this post–AND the Oklahoma Watchdog article about it–is a year old, from January 2010, not January 2011. […]
Prometheus Radio’s Brandy Doyle on the road ahead for LPFM
The Local Community Radio Act has been law now for a little more than three weeks, and since then the hardy radio activists at the Prometheus Radio Project have been hard at work mapping the road ahead. We here at Radio Survivor have many questions about what’s next for low-power radio, and we’ve also fielded […]