Are you a college/community/LPFM/unlicensed music show host? Does the show that comes on before you have an impact on your program, or your efforts to cultivate an audience? I ask now because I forgot to mention the question when I moderated a National Federation of Community Broadcasters workshop panel on great music programs. I first […]
Tag Archives | NFCB 2011

NFCB Sessions’ Fundraising Tips for Radio: Celebrity Smackdowns, 1-Day Drives and the Philanthropist Next Door
The National Federation of Community Broadcasters‘ 36th annual community radio conference was an incredible few days full of radio education and community radio bonding. Held in San Francisco from June 1st to June 4th, it featured an action-packed schedule of sessions, keynotes, and workshops. I’ve already recounted the Saving College Stations panel and Matthew has […]

Saving College Radio Stations Panel at NFCB Offered Tips for Stations in Peril
Of the many fine panels at the recent National Federation of Community Broadcasters’ conference (you can find our complete coverage here), the one that was closest to my heart was the “Saving College Stations” session (mp3) on Saturday, June 4. As was the case at a similar panel at SXSW this year, the participants included […]

College/community radio music shows: the art of taking risks
If you host a music show at a college or community radio station, how far off the beaten path should you go when choosing songs? That was one of the topics addressed at the Great Music Programs workshop sponsored by the National Federation of Community Broadcasters conference, held in San Francisco earlier this month. I […]

How KUVO-FM got its Latino Jazz groove
The National Federation of Community Broadcasters 36th annual conference is finished, and I had a great time moderating one of its workshop panels: Great Music Programs. The panelists included Florence Hernandez-Ramos of the Latino Public Radio Consortium, Anthony Bonet of KALX-FM in Berkeley, and Bonnie Simmons of KPFA-FM, located in that same city. Over the […]

What makes a community radio music program great?
The National Federation of Community Broadcasters’ 36th Annual Community Radio Conference is coming up in San Francisco. It will run from Wednesday, June 1, through Saturday. Among the workshops and panels is a Friday session titled “Great Music Programs,” in which three great music programmers will talk about how to make them happen. They are […]