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Tag Archives | numbers station

radio art by Magz Hall - tree radio. Photo: Magz Hall

Radio Art and New Media in Radio Studies: An Interview with Magz Hall – Pt. 2

We’re happy to return to the second part of our interview with radio scholar and radio artist Magz Hall. In the first part of the interview, Hall detailed the many ways in which we can understand radio, in both a contemporary and historical context, through the lens of radio art. She introduced us to a […]

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Art Installation Uses Numbers Stations to Interrogate ‘Misuse of Data that Reduces Black Bodies to Numbers’

Ever since I first tuned in a staticky sequence of numbers in Spanish on the shortwave radio I got for Christmas as a kid, I’ve been fascinated by numbers stations which are thought to broadcast coded messages to spies and other clandestine agents. An upcoming art exhibition uses the structure of numbers stations to interrogate […]

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AM radio workshop

Radio Making Workshops in UK in Name of Radio Arts

Recently I’ve been following with interest the wide range of hands-on radio activities being lead by Radio Arts out of the United Kingdom. Radio Arts, “an independent artists’ group founded in 2001 by lecturer, producer and artist Magz Hall and artist, producer and musician Jim Backhouse,” works “to promote radio as a site for creative […]

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