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Family Radio’s “Open Forum” On Hiatus While Harold Camping Recovers from Stroke

Last week there were reports that Family Radio‘s 50-year-old “Open Forum” program was being cancelled in light of Family Radio founder Harold Camping’s recent stroke on June 9th. In recent months, the religious network’s call-in talk show has been a vehicle for discussions about the predicted May 21, 2011 “Judgment Day” and Rapture. When I […]

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Behind the Scenes at Family Radio as May 21st Judgment Day Approaches

When I visited Family Radio’s headquarters last Thursday, May 12, 2011, I was not only interested in President and General Manager Harold Camping’s thoughts about Judgment Day; but I also had a lot of questions about the inner-workings of the Christian radio network. Obviously Family Radio has attracted worldwide attention and media interest for Camping’s […]

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