![Freak Radio Santa Cruz's transmitter looking for a new home Freak Radio Studio [image courtesy DIYmedia/flickr]](https://www.radiosurvivor.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/01/213634017_eacc013ca2_m.jpg)
Tag Archives | Pirate Radio
![Freak Radio Santa Cruz's transmitter looking for a new home Freak Radio Studio [image courtesy DIYmedia/flickr]](https://www.radiosurvivor.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/01/213634017_eacc013ca2_m.jpg)

San Francisco's Newest Radio Pirate: Radio Valencia
Of course I’m biased, but San Francisco seems to have always been ground zero for radio innovators, back from the early days of pioneering technologists, to the freeform FM era, to punk and new wave stalwarts in college and commercial radio in the 1980s, to pirate radio champions like Free Radio Berkeley in the 1990s, […]

SF's Pirate Cat Radio Goes Legit in Deal with KPDO in Pescadero
In an interesting turn of events, San Francisco’s Pirate Cat Radio (PCR) will be providing programming for a new full power FM community radio station down the coast in Pescadero that is launching tomorrow. Fined by the FCC for broadcasting over FM without a license, Pirate Cat Radio has been operating as a web-only station […]

Spain Planning a Pirate Radio Crackdown
For Americans it may be hard to believe that Spain only this year passed a law that gives a new Spanish central radio authority the ability to pursue and shut down unlicensed radio broadcasters. Back in January the Spanish radio industry group AERC complained that 3000 pirate stations are operating in the country and need […]

FCC Warning to Worcester Unlicensed Station Is Indicator of Big New England Pirate Scene
Worcester, Massachusset’s unlicensed Flava 105.5 has received some mostly positive press coverage recently for its focus on underserved Caribbean populations in the area. Probably not coincidentally, about two weeks after it appeared in the local newspaper the FCC issued the station a Notice of Unlicensed Operation (NOUO) ordering it to cease broadcasting immediately. In a […]

UK Pirate Radio – Now and Then
Amazon.com Widgets Sunday was the forty-sixth anniversary of Radio Caroline, one of the most famous UK pirate stations of the 1960s, and the inspiration for the recent movie Pirate Radio a/k/a The Boat That Rocked. Those radio pirates were inspired, in part, by the fact that the BBC played almost no rock music, and was […]

Radio Survivor's Top Radio Shows – Jennifer's #3: Skulltime for Kids
Debuting back in 1987, way before pirates were ever deemed cool and a full 8 years before “Talk Like a Pirate Day” was ever conceptualized, Skulltime for Kids hit the airwaves of Foothill College radio station KFJC 89.7 FM in Los Altos Hills, California. Captain Jack, the creator of the show, told me that the […]

The Latest in Pirate Radio: FCC Enforcement, Austin Free-Staters and Canadian Strip Club Pirate
On my recently ended radioshow I tried to reguarly to give updates on unlicensed radio. To me it’s one of the still lively modes of civil disobedience in electronic communications, especially in the internet age. Although there is low-power FM in the US, and a growing community radio movement world-wide, the urge to broadcast without […]

Top 5 Television Shows Depicting Radio
Being both a television and a radio fanatic; I present to you my personal “top 5” list for TV shows with some sort of radio theme. Some series focus more on radio than others; but in my mind they all showcase the medium and represent a range of radio stations. I was hoping to do […]
Pirate Radio: why is the best radio always in the movies?
Watching Richard Curtis’ new movie Pirate Radio this evening, I was struck by how little one actually has to do to make a crowd pleasing film out of this subject. There’s really not that much to the flick. It’s the historically grounded story of a pop music pirate station broadcasting to the British Isles from […]