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Tag Archives | prison radio

Sticker-covered door at college radio station KPSU in 2018. Photo: J. Waits

College Radio Watch: Old Cart Art, Leo Blais Under Lock and Key, and More News

I hope you had a fantastic College Radio Day last Friday. I spent the day at the Grassroots Radio Conference in Portland, Oregon. While mostly community radio stations were in attendance, I shared “Happy College Radio Day” greetings with colleagues from University of California, Santa Cruz station KZSC (see my tour) and Portland State University […]

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Book with radio transmitter in An Electric Kite installation. Photo: Provisional Island

Podcast #147 – Prison Radio Exhibit and a High School Station in a Band Room

On this week’s episode we venture to prison and to a very unusual high school radio station. Members of the artist collective Provisional Island (Heidi Ratanavanich, Eileen Shumate, and Michael McCanne) speak with us about their prison-radio-themed exhibit, An Electric Kite, which is on view at the historic site/museum Eastern State Penitentiary in Philadelphia through […]

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Making Waves Behind Bars panelists

The Power of Prison Radio

Over the weekend I had the most amazing time at the What is Radio? conference in Portland, Oregon. Scholars and radio practitioners from all over the world convened in order to talk about the past, present, and future of radio. One of the most powerful panel discussions was Friday’s “Making Waves Behind Bars” session. Phil […]

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