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Tag Archives | protest

WTO 1999

Help Us Tell the History of Indymedia & LPFM

This November 30 marks the 20th anniversary of the protests against meetings of the World Trade Organization that shut down the city of Seattle. It also marks the birthday of the Indymedia movement, which brought together grassroots media activists from public access TV, print, community radio and internet technology to create a radical open publishing […]

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KZSU and Covering Campus Disturbances article

College Radio Flashback: Covering Campus Disturbances in the 1960s and 70s

I’ve been thumbing through a couple of bound editions of IBS’ The Journal of College Radio from 1970 to 1972 and it’s an incredible look at college radio in that era. Concerns of the day included potential policy changes for carrier-current broadcasters, questions about the FCC’s rules on obscenity (not much has changed!), and excitement […]

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Pirate Radio

Pirate Radio Round-Up: Welsh nationalists were pirate pioneers; protest broadcasts in MN; more

It’s been a while since I’ve reviewed what’s news in pirate radio. Here’s what’s up, including: 22 year-old N. London pirate stays true to drum & bass; Welsh nationalists were pirate radio pioneers in 1959; protest broadcasts in Minnesota, and more. Quietus writer John Doran pays a visit to long-running North London pirate station Rude […]

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Egyptian Radio Television Union logo

Egyptian gov’t “loading” FM dial to jam pro-Morsi station

The Egyptian government is trying to prevent supporters of ousted president Morsi from taking to the airwaves in Cairo. To accomplish that the Egyptian Radio Television Union is “loading” the FM dial with stations on every available frequency playing religious music or readings of the Quran, according to Ahram Online. Pro-Morsi protestors were set to […]

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Occupy Wall Street occupies the airwaves, too

Occupy Wall Street occupies the airwaves, too

This post by John Anderson originally appeared at and is republished here by permission. Two decades ago, thousands of people took to the air without permission from the FCC to protest the agency’s draconian policies regarding access to the airwaves. The microradio movement conducted a campaign of electronic civil disobedience, demonstrating that there was […]

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Hooping for LPFM

Hooping for LPFM

Today the Prometheus Radio Project is leading a circus-themed protest in front of the National Association of Broadcasters. Urging supporters to “bring juggling pins, unicycles, tricks, and costumes,” participants will be celebrating low-power FM while chiding the NAB for its dishonest campaign to get Senate republicans to put holds on the Local Community Radio Act. […]

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