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Tag Archives | radio in Haiti

Haiti Quake Report Cites Radio as the "Undisputed Lifeline for the Haitian Public"

Haiti Quake Report Cites Radio as the “Undisputed Lifeline for the Haitian Public”

Yesterday marked the one year anniversary of the devastating 7.0 magnitude earthquake in Haiti, which killed over 200,000 people and left a million homeless. At the time of the quake it became clear that radio was a vital resource for Haitian citizens, as it was often the communication tool used to find survivors and to […]

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Radio as Hero in Post-Quake Haiti

Radio as Hero in Post-Quake Haiti

In the aftermath of the devastating January 12th earthquake in Haiti, radio has played an important role in terms of keeping lines of communication open. A fascinating radio story on All Things Considered yesterday profiles one Haitian radio station, Signal FM 90.5, that has continued to broadcast after the quake hit. As way of background, […]

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