“The Vast of Night is a movie that takes its time, and thus serves as a wonderful reminder that every generation has its cutting edge telecom landscape, run by people who in their minds and hearts live in the future.”

“The Vast of Night is a movie that takes its time, and thus serves as a wonderful reminder that every generation has its cutting edge telecom landscape, run by people who in their minds and hearts live in the future.”
I’ve joked about the common trope of “DJs in peril” in popular culture; with numerous films portraying radio hosts as the target of evil-doers. The tables are turned in the video game “Radio Hammer Station,” in which a crew of pirate radio DJs battle “a wide variety of villainous baddies,” including aliens, zombies and “horribly […]
I’m always thrilled to see depictions of radio DJs in popular culture and have a soft spot for horror movie story lines involving DJs in peril. It was a happy surprise to me to spot heroic radio station personnel on the new Steven King-penned TV series “Under the Dome.” So far, two episodes have aired, […]
Being both a radio and a popular culture nut, I always get a thrill when I see a radio station worked into the storyline of a film or television show. As part of their 50th anniversary celebration (which also includes a design contest with a deadline on Friday, September 9 and an upcoming art exhibit), […]