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Tag Archives | REM

Songs about Radio, part deux

Even with kids hearing new music from blogs and TV commercials, rock ‘n roll and radio are still inextricably linked. Last July Matthew ran down some of his favorite songs about radio, including The Ramones’ “Do You Remember Rock and Roll Radio,” and The Clash’s “Radio Clash.” This week the guys at one of my […]

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Crossover bands hit FCC with net neutrality letters

Crossover bands hit FCC with net neutrality letters

The Future of Music Coalition has a small boatload of classy crossover music groups sending letters to the Federal Communications Commission in support of tougher net neutrality rules. They include R.E.M., the woodwind quintet Imani Winds, and the Kronos Quartet. Here’s an excerpt from Kronos Artistic Administrator Sidney Chen’s letter to the FCC: “From the […]

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