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Tag Archives | XM

Radio at CES: Pandora and tagging rolling out for your car

Radio at CES: Pandora and tagging rolling out for your car

The biggest news at this year’s Consumer Electronics Show might be Google’s new Nexus smartphone, but that doesn’t mean there’s no space for radio in all the gadget frenzy. Your resident RadioSurvivors don’t yet have the travel budget to jet off to Vegas to roam the show floor in person. Instead, I’m picking through the […]

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The decade's most important radio trends #1: The birth and troubled childhood of satellite Radio

The decade’s most important radio trends #1: The birth and troubled childhood of satellite Radio

At end of the first decade of the 21st century there are more audio entertainment options available than any time before. Even if traditional broadcast radio has a case of the doldrums, the viability of radio-like media has never been stronger. Satellite radio is one medium that entered the scene, although its long-term prognosis is […]

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