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Tag Archives | Zambia

Radio Rights Watch

Harassment of community radio in Zambia; getting worse?

Last time we checked in on the community radio scene in Zambia, government officials were thwarted in their bid to dissolve the board of a local signal in that country’s Mkushi district. Unfortunately, this doesn’t seem to have discouraged various law enforcement functionaries from mucking around with other community radio operations. The Panos Institute of Southern […]

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Radio Rights Watch

Zambia gov’t bid to shut down community radio board “null and void”

The conflict over Zambia’s Mkushi community radio station appears to has come to a hiatus point. A free speech advocate mediating the situation tells us via Twitter that the government’s attempt to dissolve Mkushi radio’s board of directors is no longer on the table. @RadioSurvivor Mkushi radio board is not dissolved. Minister’s decision is null […]

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Student recruits at Delhi Community Radio.

Notes on community radio and democracy in Delhi, India and Mkushi, Zambia

Some interesting items on community radio from two very different places. In Zambia supporters of the Patriotic Front (PF) electoral party “briefly interrupted operations” at the Mkushi Community Radio Station on Tuesday “in protest against [the] alleged political inclination of a Board Member of that Station.” That’s according to the Lusaka Times online newspaper. It’s […]

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